Sponsor Policies

Sponsor Policies

Updated March 19, 2024

It is our hope that TravelCon provides opportunities for travel experts, media, and marketers to not only learn from each other but also build mutually beneficial relationships.

However, there are channels set forth in order for sponsors and businesses to work through.

Suitcasing or outboarding are not only discouraged, they can result in current and future TravelCon penalties for any practicing parties.

What is Outboarding?

The International Association for Exhibition Management (IAEM) defines outboarding as:

“The result of a third party’s organization of an event in proximity to but not sanctioned by an existing exhibition. The purpose is generally to provide a marketing and/or selling experience apart from, or in addition to, those that are an official part of the host exhibition’s program. Such events may occur in, adjacent to, or separate from the venue of the host exhibition.”

Outboarding can also take place when a third party pays for a sponsorship at one level and hosts unofficial events for attendees. These sponsors shows disregard for the official conference calendar, confuse attendees, and lack fairness towards other sponsor partnerships.

What is Suitcasing?

IAEM defines suitcasing as:

“A non-exhibiting seller engages a visitor in a marketing/selling activity at a place not sanctioned by the rules of the exhibition such as the aisles or off the show floor”

The TravelCon team, as well as event sponsors, makes significant financial investments in the conference efforts. Outboarding and suitcasing put their efforts and investments at risk.

Please note: Exchanging business cards with attendees in common areas while discussing your product or service does not fall under the category of outboarding or suitcasing. In fact, we encourage that activity.

These are a few examples of outboarding or suitcasing:

  • A non-sponsor hosting a party on or off site
  • Sponsoring a booth and having a private dinner for VIP attendees
  • A non-sponsor using the conference hashtag to tweeting about giveaways
  • Using the TravelCon name when it has not been properly licensed

In the event that company representatives are found to be outboarding or suitcasing, the following penalties will be enacted:

  • Immediate removal from TravelCon
  • Future speaking roles or sponsorship opportunities will be prohibited
  • The TravelCon Team reserves the right to seek legal damages, if deemed appropriate